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Which NORSE GOD Are You?

Are you a selfish and vengeful trickster or a brave and powerful leader?

The Norse pantheon is full of complex and ambiguous figures. And those figures are surrounded by a rich, ancient mythology.

You do not really want to admit it to other people, but you do share a lot of your personality with Norse Gods. The question is: Who are you in Valhalla? Are you a selfish and vengeful trickster or a brave and powerful leader?

Take this amazing quiz from BuzzMoy and find out Which Norse GOD Are You?

  1. 1 Which of these animals will be your perfect companion?

    1. Lion
    2. Wolf
    3. Snake
    4. Eagle
  2. 2 What characteristic do you want to have?

    1. Empathic
    2. Intuitive
    3. Creative
    4. Powerful
  3. 3 Which color is mostly related to your personality?

    1. Green
    2. Yellow
    3. Red
    4. Blue
  4. 4 Which Roman GOD do you like?

    1. Jupiter
    2. Vesta
    3. Dionysus
    4. Vulcan
  5. 5 What is your weapon of choice?

    1. Sword
    2. Hammer
    3. Shield
    4. Trident
  6. 6 Which mythical creature is your favorite?

    1. Golem
    2. Goblin
    3. Orc
    4. Dwarf
  7. 7 Finally, Which Norse GOD do you actually like?

    1. Odin
    2. Thor
    3. Loki
    4. Heimdall

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  1. Quiz result


    You’ve got ODIN! 

    The chief of Aesir and king of Asgard, Odin is one of the most complex and enigmatic characters in Norse Mythology. He is the one-eyed all-father, chief of the Gods and the father of the battle. He is the only character to embody a wide range of qualities at once. You have a soft and creative side which is hidden beneath your tough appearance.

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  2. Quiz result


    You’ve got THOR!

    Yess!! God of thunder, protector of the Earth and King of Asgard! This mightiest warrior is well known for his strength, endurance and resistance. He is one of the founding members of the Avengers. One of his most impressive traits is that he will almost always rise to match the situation and go beyond his usual level whenever needed. As the son of Odin, you've got to put on a big show now and then, but you aren't immune to happiness and good times.

    More on BuzzMoy: https://youtube.com/BuzzMoySocial

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  3. Quiz result


    You’ve got LOKI!

    Loki, the Norse God of mischief is known as the sly one, the trickster and shape-shifter. His cunning nature will make anyone fall into the trap. He is sensitive, intelligent and introverted. In combination with his poor self-image, these qualities can make Loki spiteful, jealous, and angry. Loki has a genius level intellect and possesses a great deal of knowledge of the mystic arts. He is also overwhelmingly ambitious.

    More on BuzzMoy: https://youtube.com/BuzzMoySocial

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  4. Quiz result


    You’ve got HEIMDALL!

    Heimdall, the watchman of the Gods keeps his eye on them. He is also called the shining god and is the sole protector of his palace near the rainbow, Bifrost. Heimdall requires less sleep than a bird, can see 100 leagues, and can hear grass growing in the meadows and wool growing on sheep. He is the master of deception when it's for a good cause.

    More on BuzzMoy: https://youtube.com/BuzzMoySocial

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Let's know more about the NORSE GODS featured in this quiz from BuzzMoy.


The chief of Aesir and king of Asgard, Odin is one of the most complex and enigmatic characters in Norse Mythology. He is the one-eyed all-father, chief of the Gods and the father of the battle. He is the only character to embody a wide range of qualities at once. You have a soft and creative side which is hidden beneath your tough appearance.


Yess!! God of thunder, protector of the Earth and King of Asgard! This mightiest warrior is well known for his strength, endurance and resistance. He is one of the founding members of the Avengers. One of his most impressive traits is that he will almost always rise to match the situation and go beyond his usual level whenever needed. As the son of Odin, you've got to put on a big show now and then, but you aren't immune to happiness and good times.


Loki, the Norse God of mischief is known as the sly one, the trickster and shape-shifter. His cunning nature will make anyone fall into the trap. He is sensitive, intelligent and introverted. In combination with his poor self-image, these qualities can make Loki spiteful, jealous, and angry. Loki has a genius level intellect and possesses a great deal of knowledge of the mystic arts. He is also overwhelmingly ambitious.


Heimdall, the watchman of the Gods keeps his eye on them. He is also called the shining god and is the sole protector of his palace near the rainbow, Bifrost. Heimdall requires less sleep than a bird, can see 100 leagues, and can hear grass growing in the meadows and wool growing on sheep. He is the master of deception when it's for a good cause.

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